We are happy to announce that the German version of the eLearning tool Patient Blood Manager is agained certified by the medical council of Hesse. The international version of the…
Since 2017, the Klinikum Westmünderland is part of the German PBM network. To celebrate the reduction of transfusion rates by 20% at the six associated hospitals, which was achieved since…
Each year, the BARMER, one of the largest health insurance providers in Germany, publishes a hospital report focusing on a specific topic. This year’s topic is Patient Blood Management –…
Two German Tv stations (NDR and ARD) air a short documentation on Patient Blood Management. By clicking the image below you are linked to the video.
The Swiss newspaper Aargauer Zeitung covers Patient Blood Management. Clicking the image below allows you to download the PDF version of the article.
The 7th Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit of the Patient Safety Movement was convened in Huntington Beach (California, USA) on January 18th and 19th. The overall of the Patient…
“Visite” is a weekly screened Tv show focusing on health and medical topics. The show televised on January 22th 2019 gives inside into Patient Blood Management as it is implemented…
The PBM-Team Frankfurt published a meta-analysis on Patient Blood Management in the scientific journal “Annals of Surgery”. The study analysis the effect of PBM regarding the reduction of perioperative complication…
We are happy to announce, that the Patient Blood Management-concept was awarded with the third place of the MSD Gesundheitspreis 2018. This was made possible by your support – for…
In the last two months, the German Newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported twice on Patient Blood Management. Both texts (German language) “Deutschland ist Weltmeister im Blutverbrauch” and “Auf der Suche nach…