The German radio station Deutschlandradio Nova re-visisted the University Hospital Frankfurt to report on recent improvements of PBM. The report (German language) is available here.
We are happy to announce, that it is now possible to receive an official certification and CME credits (15 european credits) for successfully participating in our eLearning tool Patient Blood…
Out of a total of 64 applicants, a jury nominated 10 projects for the final round of the MSD Gesundheitspreis 2018. Patient Blood Mangement is one of them. The awardess…
In its most recent online issue, the Süddeutsche Zeitung reports on Patient Blood Management, with input from Prof. Dr. Meybohm of the PBM-Team at the University Hospital Frankfurt. In addition,…
The European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) invites to participate in a Focus Meeting on Perioperative Medicine, which will take place from November 9th-10th 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria. This years topics…
Die BARMER, mit circa 9.4 Mio. Mitgliedern eine der beiden größten Deutschen Krankenkassen, spricht sich in einer aktuellen Pressemitteilung für einen maßvollen Einsatz von Transfusionen aus. Darüber hinhaus verweist Frau…
Despite the nice weather, nearly 300 participants attended the “Global Symposium Patient Blood Management”, held in the Hörsaalzentrum of the Goethe University Frankfurt on March 24th 2018. Following the opening…
In April 2018, Thieme is going to publish a revised second edition of the book “Patient Blood Management – Behandlungskonzepte zur Reduktion und Vermeidung von Anämie und Blutverlusten”. The book…
The “6th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit” was held in London from February 23th until Februrary 25th 2018. The event is organized annually by the Patient Safety…
We are happy to announce the Globa lSymposium Patient Blood Management. The symposium will take place at the lecture hall complex (Hörsaalzentrum) of the Goethe University Frankfurt on March 24th…