Report München, an informative Tv show aired by the Bayrischer Rundfunk, reports on “Potential risks and side effects of blood transfusions – an underestimated threat?”.
As part of her science documentary “Gefährliche Bluttransfusionen – Was hilft gegen das Risiko?” directress Ulrike Gehring documented the day to day efforts of the the Patient Blood Management Team…
From september 15th to September 17th 2016, the Berlin Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine was hosted by the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. A meeting…
The latest newsletter (July 2016) is available for download. This time, various German hospitals talk about their experience while implementing Patient Blood Management. Additionally, we are happy to report from…
The German Tv station SWR airs a 45 minutes long documentation on Patient Blood Management. Besides giving an in-depth overview on the concept, the report evaluates on what has changed…
As part of the annual meeting of the Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V., the Patient Blood Management project was awarded the 1. Platz des Deutschen Preises für Patientensicherheit 2016. We feel honoured…
Prof. Dr. Dr. Zacharowski is awarded with the Humanitarian Award 2015 of the Patient Safety Movement
During this year’s annual meeting of the Patient Safety Movement, Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Zacharowski was awarded the Humanitarian Award 2015 for his efforts regarding the implementation of Patient Blood…
The latest newsletter (September 2015) is available for download. We report on the first German Patient Blood Management Symposium, being held in Frankfurt, on the progress of PBM implementation at…
In its latest online issue of the Aerztezeitung, a German medical journal, reports on the advances during the implementation of Patient Blood Management at the Markuskrankenhaus Frankfurt.
In its latest printed issue, the Frankfurter Rundschau talks about the implementation of Patient Blood Management at the Markuskrankenhaus Frankfurt, which was supported by the University Hospital Frankfurt. To download…