On January 26, 2025, Tagesschau reported on the valuable resource of blood, which experts say could be used much more efficiently in German hospitals. Through…
Category: News

From the 15th to the 19th of May 2024, the 50th Central European Congress for Patient Blood Management of the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and…
On May 17, 2024, the Societatea Română de Anestezie – Terapie Intensivă (SRATI) invites you to a scientific congress on the topic of “Patient Blood…
PBM Healthcare GmbH analyses and compares transfusion rates for sugical interventions in hospitals. Here you can read more details.

The St. Vinzenz-hospital Cologne is part of the German PBM hospital science 2018. In addition to actively implementing various PBM measures internally, the St. Vinzenz-hospital…

We are happy to announce that the German version of the eLearning tool Patient Blood Manager is agained certified by the medical council of Hesse.…

Each year, the BARMER, one of the largest health insurance providers in Germany, publishes a hospital report focusing on a specific topic. This year’s topic…

The 7th Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit of the Patient Safety Movement was convened in Huntington Beach (California, USA) on January 18th and 19th.…