On January 26, 2025, Tagesschau reported on the valuable resource of blood, which experts say could be used much more efficiently in German hospitals. Through…
Category: Press release

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung highlights the importance of a sustainable and patient-focused approach to blood reserves in a comprehensive article. The innovative concept of Patient…

In the latest broadcast of Deutschlandfunk Nova, Professor Dr. Patrick Meybohm discusses World Blood Donor Day with a focus on Patient Blood Management and its…
Die Barmer Hessen hat die nach eigenen Angaben landesweit erste Vereinbarung zur Finanzierung des Patient Blood Managements abgeschlossen. Unmittelbarer Vertragspartner ist zunächst das Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt,…
The NDR-documentary „Inside blood donation“ tracks a blood donation in Germany and describes the approach of Patient Blood Management. Source: NDR
Perspective Daily explains in detail what happens when you donate blood and how the different blood components are used. Moreover, it is emphasized that blood…
On World Blood Donation Day 2020 Nachrichten Frankfurt emphasizes that blood is a precious resource and that it is particularly limited in times of Covid…

Following the publication of BARMER Krankenhausreports 2019 the concept and implementation of Patient Blood Management in network hospitals was repeatedly reported in all kinds of…

Since 2016 the Evangelisches Diakoniekrankenhaus Freiburg has already been member of the German Patient Blood Management network. A recent self-evaluation of the implementation of…