The Frankfurter Neue Presse, a German newspaper, reports on the implementation of Patient Blood Management at the University Hospital Frankfurt in its latest online issue.…
Category: Press release
In its latest online issue, the Frankfurter Rundschau, a German newspaper, reports on the motivitation why Patient Blood Management was implemented at the University Hospital…
Odysso is a academic Tv show aired by the German Tv station SWR. The latest episode “Böses Blut – Gefährliche Bluttransfusionen” reports on the implementation…
“[w] wie wissen” is an academic Tv show aired by the German Tv Station ARD. The latest episode “Gefährliche Blutransfusionen” talks about Patient Blood Management…
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper, published an in-depth article on reasons why to implement Patient Blood Management in its latest online issue.
The German radio station Deutschlandfunks Nova interviewed Prof. Dr. Patrick Meybohm about the concept of Patient Blood Management for the latest show of the “Redaktionskonferenz“.…
“Böses Blut – Kehrtwende in der Intensivmedizin” is a documentary produced by Ulrike Gehring for the German Tv station ARD. She gives a comprehensive overview…
In September 2014 we were fortunate to receive the Christoph Lohfert Stiftungspreis awarded by Christoph Lohfert Stiftung. The Hessische Ärzteblatt, a German medical journal, reports…
The German medical journal talks about how to manage blood smartly in its latest online issue. The article is also available as PDF.
In its latest issue, the, a German medical Journal, talks about the implementation as well as initial measures during the early Patient Blood Management…