

The foundation aims to provide worldwide assistance within its capabilities where government measures and legal regulations fail to address the individual fate of people, in order to guarantee the highest possible patient safety and optimally care for patients within the framework of PBM.

The purpose of the foundation is to promote science and research as well as public relations and education in all types of cross-sector healthcare, particularly in the areas of Patient Blood Management and patient safety.

The foundation’s purpose is especially realized through: awarding research projects and research contracts, conducting scientific events, announcing competitions and prizes, providing financial support to development aid organizations, and offering consultancy in the healthcare sector.

Learn more about our dedicated foundation that is passionately committed to patient safety.

We are proud of our Foundation, which performs outstanding work in the field of health, patient safety, and patient blood management. For detailed information on how you can support us, please visit our website.

Please click on the logo:


With your donation, you and we can achieve great things:

Stiftung für Gesundheit, Patientensicherheit und Patienten Blood Management
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank, Frankfurt am Main
IBAN: DE87300606010007308900

We thank you very much!

Prof. Dr. Patrick Meybohm & Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Zacharowski, ML FRCA (Founder & Board)