The Swiss newspaper Aargauer Zeitung covers Patient Blood Management. Clicking the image below allows you to download the PDF version of the article.
The Swiss newspaper Aargauer Zeitung covers Patient Blood Management. Clicking the image below allows you to download the PDF version of the article.
In the last two months, the German Newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported twice on Patient Blood Management. Both texts (German language) “Deutschland ist Weltmeister im Blutverbrauch”…
In its most recent online issue, the Süddeutsche Zeitung reports on Patient Blood Management, with input from Prof. Dr. Meybohm of the PBM-Team at the…
Die BARMER, mit circa 9.4 Mio. Mitgliedern eine der beiden größten Deutschen Krankenkassen, spricht sich in einer aktuellen Pressemitteilung für einen maßvollen Einsatz von Transfusionen…
In its latest printed issue, the Basler Zeitung, a Swiss newspaper, publishes an in-depth article on Patient Blood Management, interviewing several well known experts, including…
The German news magazin Stern reports on Patient Blood Management at the University Hospital Frankfurt in its latest printed issue (7/2017). The article is also…
In its latest online issue of the Aerztezeitung, a German medical journal, reports on the advances during the implementation of Patient Blood Management at the…
In its latest printed issue, the Frankfurter Rundschau talks about the implementation of Patient Blood Management at the Markuskrankenhaus Frankfurt, which was supported by the…
In its latest printed issue the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German newspaper, reports on the initiation of Patient Blood Management at the Markuskrankenhaus Frankfurt. During…